十大平台网赌 (PCED) is the lead economic development agency in Pitt County. 通过创新项目, 专门的人员, and the support of the Pitt County Commissioners and many partners, PCED will lead and support efforts to diversify the economy, 扩大地方税基, and enhance the quality of life and business climate in Pitt County.
1957年5月, the General Assembly of 北卡罗莱纳 enabled the Pitt County Board of Commissioners to authorize a tax for an industrial development commission. The Pitt County Industrial Development Commission was activated in February 1959 and a board was appointed by the Pitt County Commissioners. 21-22财年开始, the Commission became 十大平台网赌, 皮特郡政府的一个部门. The industrial development tax was absorbed into the County’s General Fund ad valorem tax rate.
十大平台网赌 recruits new industries and assists with existing industries’ retention and expansion efforts. PCED negotiates incentives for industrial projects that will secure new and expansion investments and the creation of new jobs above the average County wage. Since 1987, over $10 million in economic development incentives have been awarded. 激励措施包括水, 下水道, and gas extensions; road, 铁路, and site improvements; performance-based grants to companies; and supplemental workforce training. 从1987年到2021年,近15,000个工作岗位和超过2美元.5 Billion in investments by new and expanding industries have been announced.
十大平台网赌 also owns approximately 140 acres of industrial property and constructs shell buildings to attract new investment. 在过去的两年里, Pitt County has invested over $7 million to provide attractive industrial properties to enhance recruitment efforts.
另外, 十大平台网赌 supports local entrepreneurship opportunities and operates a business incubator/accelerator, 科技企业中心(TEC). The County purchased the former textile manufacturing facility in 1995 and has expended approximately $4 million to date to purchase and renovate the building. 过渡时期行政委员会目前大约有35人,000平方英尺的可出租空间, 70% of which is occupied by 12 tenants as well as the 北卡罗莱纳 Pharmaceutical Services Network@PCC training facilities.
十大平台网赌 works to fulfill its mission through collaborations with many partners, including but not limited to the 北卡罗莱纳 Department of Commerce, 北韩经济发展伙伴关系, NC生物技术中心, 当地市政府, 公私伙伴关系, 邻居县, 东卡罗莱纳大学, 皮特社区学院, 以及当地公用事业.